Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Great Dane Is Shedding Excessively

My great dane is salivating... my great dane is salivating excessively. we have just noticed it - it's dripping like a tap out of the side of his mouth and when he moves it pours out. he's behaving normally, he's had food as normal, his gums are pink.. Great danes and other smooth coated dogs do tend to be shedders, but if its really excessive, you should improve the quality of the food the dog is eating, and take it for a checkup if that doesn't improve the situation. really excessive shedding can be indicative of other health problems.. Oh, those awful teenage coats. those of you with short coated breeds, and particularly some lines of great danes, you will notice in their teenage months 9 month - 18 month they will go through a normal puppy shedding that in some cases is pretty awful..

Great dane - shedding like a maniac my great dane sheds worse than any other dog i've ever encountered including long haired dogs. tiny gray hairs absolutely everywhere you can image! i would be happy to brush her but i haven't found any dog brush that makes any difference in removing the hair. the short bristly brush does very little.. Excessive drinking - posted in great dane health issues: our rescue boy ben as been drinking copious amounts of water lately 2 to 3 times more than chloe and shows no signs of not drinking as much. was wondering if it could be diabetes?. what are the signs to look out for?. his pee is a normal colour but when he goes its for a long time.. My roommate got a great dane and i know absolutely nothing about them. i've noticed that every time i check the dog's water bowl, it's empty. this dog is drinking gallons of water a day, and he is getting zero exercise so it's not like he's not getting too hot or anything..

my great dane is shedding excessively